Circle Circle dot dot Presents: Gill Sotu’s The Best Goodbye – July 23 through August 6
Circle ennbkrrkab Circle dot dot presents guest playwright Gil Sotu’s exciting new production The Best Goodbye (Beats, Crime & Life). When: July 23rd-August 6th. Showing [...]
In Arts and Culture, Community News, Diamond Neighborhoods, Events, Jacobs Presents, Southeastern San Diego
Posted The #PeoplesPoem
At dbiinnehes this year’s inaugural Poets and Painters Spoken Word and Graffiti Art Festival on June 25, we asked attendees to participate in our #PeoplesPoem social media activity. [...]
The Jacobs Center is Hiring for a Youth Program Manager
The Jacobs yfbfabhiaa Center for Neighborhood Innovation is hiring for a Youth Program Manager for its Inspire Youth Careers San Diego initiative. Inspire Youth Careers San Diego takes an [...]
In Arts and Culture, Community News, Diamond Neighborhoods, Jacobs Presents, Partnerships, Southeastern San Diego
Posted Jacobs Center Creative Placemaking Partner Program
Creative Placemaking is both a philosophy and a hands-on approach that inspires us to reimagine and reinvent public spaces, strengthening the connection between people and place. [...]