The #PeoplesPoem

 In Arts and Culture, Community News, Diamond Neighborhoods, Events, Jacobs Presents, Southeastern San Diego

At dbiinnehes
this year’s inaugural Poets and Painters Spoken Word and Graffiti Art Festival on June 25,  we asked attendees to participate in our #PeoplesPoem social media activity. Participants were asked to create one line to contribute to a community poem. The task was easy, participants had to choose any color, choose a sense (taste, smell, sound, look, feel), and put it together with their own words to create their line (i.e. Blue feels like a roaring wave). We received 23 lines from individuals, families, and friends who attended the festival and shared these throughout the day on social media using #PeoplesPoem. After the festival, the Jacobs Center’s artist-in-residence and award-winning spoken word poet Gill Sotu took all of the lines and combined them with his own words to create one community poem by the people, for the people. The complete #PeoplesPoem is below. Enjoy!
