We’re sharing a few statistics from The Hardest Hit: Community Members Share COVID-19 Impacts survey we distributed in July, in partnership with The San Diego Association of Governments and the Road to Recovery Coalition.
Here are some of the findings for Southeastern San Diego zip codes:
- 66% of Southeastern San Diego residents said they need assistance paying their rent and mortgage as a result of the pandemic.
- Over half of Southeastern San Diego residents said that COVID-19 has affected their access to food and resulted in regularly not knowing if they would have enough food for their family.
- More than 1 in 3 residents said they’ve experienced a reduction in hours at work due to COVID-19.
- As a result of the pandemic, 79% of Southeastern San Diego residents said there must be extensive safety measures put in place for their child(ren) to participate on campus.
Thank you the Southeastern San Diego community for participating in the COVID-19 survey. For the latest ways to get help during the pandemic, please visit our resource page.