Composting Workshop at the Jacobs Center – January 26

 In Community News

Compost 4

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Jacobs Center recently installed composing bins at its facility. These bins will help generate healthy soil and recycling instead of contributing waste to the landfill!

Come learn about the benefits of composting at a workshop hosted by the Jacobs Center in partnership with Inika Small Earth Group.

 Tuesday, January 26th
10 am to 1 pm

 Joe & Vi Jacobs Center
Southwest Section of the Parking Lot
404 Euclid Ave.
San Diego, CA 92114

This training will cover the following basic topics:

  • What is composting and why it’s important
  • What can and can’t be composted
  • Bin management protocol (adding material, maintaining proper moisture levels, aerating/turning the piles, etc.)
  • Harvesting and using compost
  • Troubleshooting

Please meet at the compost bins located in the southwest section of the Jacobs Center parking lot at 9:45 am and the training session will start at 10 am.